Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer if you’re exposed to high levels. It’s easy to detect in your home with a radon test, but you might not even know you have a problem. According to the EPA, radon for in non-smokers is the main cause of lung cancer and is responsible for at least 16,000 to 23,000 annual deaths from lung cancer in the United States.Radon testing is recommended for all homeowners, regardless of the type of home they live in.
The best time to get a radon test is before winter, when radon levels tend to be highest. However, testing should be done throughout the year, not just during colder months. If you’re planning to sell your home, radon testing is a great way to protect your investment. It’s also a good idea to have a professional radon test done, which will give you accurate results.
There are several types of radon tests available. Short-term tests will give you a level for a few months, while long-term tests provide a year-round average. The EPA has set an action level of 4 pCi/L, so if your initial short-term test result is higher than the EPA’s action level, you’ll need a long-term test to determine if the levels in your home have decreased. Taking a radon test will help you know how much you need to lower the levels in your home and if you need to install a radon reduction system.
Radon is a common contaminant that can enter a home through cracks, gaps, and floors. In addition, it can enter your drinking water if you use a well. Even though you can’t see, smell, or taste radon, high levels can cause serious health problems, even lung cancer. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that one in every fifteen homes in the United States has elevated radon levels. Taking action to reduce these levels is vital to your home’s safety.
When selling your home, radon testing is an excellent way to show your home’s safety and health. Although you may not be required to do so, buyers will appreciate the extra effort. It’s also a good idea to get a radon test before you list your home for sale.
Radon is an invisible gas that forms from the breakdown of uranium in the soil. It can enter your home through cracks in foundation walls, and can accumulate in poorly ventilated spaces. Radon can cause lung cancer if your house doesn’t have good ventilation, and it’s important to get a radon test for your home.
Even though radon testing is something you can do on your own at home, getting it done by a professional can yield more accurate findings. The cost of the test might range anywhere from $150 to $300 if performed by a licenced tester. Tests for radon are typically included in the price of a normal home inspection; however, you are free to perform a test on your own at any time for approximately $25. On the other hand, if your test shows high levels, it is highly recommended that you hire a certified tester.