Was there a time you urinated a lot or experienced a burning sensation while urinating? If so, you may have assumed that these problems are normal and will go away with time. However, these issues could mean you suffer from certain conditions that need medical attention. To know where the problem lies, you can consider urologists like Michael Rotman MD. You could be wondering what conditions they diagnose and treat. Without further ado, these are the diseases they treat.
Elevated Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) levels
PSA is a protein mostly found in semen. It is produced by the prostate gland and helps to diagnose various reproductive health issues in men. According to the National Cancer Institute, it can increase in men with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate. Elevated PSA levels may not always be a cause for concern. However, your urologist might recommend blood work or a biopsy to determine its cause. Fortunately, conditions caused by higher levels of PSA are treatable, especially when detected earlier.
Pelvic and Bladder Pain
You may be experiencing pelvic pain and bladder pain or burning during urination. If you have been suffering from these symptoms for a long time, you must visit a urologist immediately.
Pelvic pain is common in men and can range from mild discomfort to severe agony, especially when sitting or walking. In some cases, pelvic pain could be caused by an underlying condition such as prostate cancer or kidney stones. Bladder pain and burning are also common among men and women who suffer from incontinence.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are painful but usually do not cause permanent damage to your urinary system if detected early. They form when minerals in the urine become concentrated. These minerals can form if you drink too much water or take a little salt, making your kidneys work harder to process waste products from digestion.
Kidney stones are usually small but can get larger and block your urethra or ureter. If this happens, visit your urologist immediately to avoid further complications.
Fertility Issues
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it might be time to see a fertility specialist or a urologist. They can help diagnose and treat conditions that affect your fertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and fibroids.
When seeking treatment for infertility-related issues, remember that many factors could affect your ability to get pregnant. As a result, your urologist might first perform a proper diagnosis to determine the cause of your infertility. If further testing shows no other cause for concern, they may recommend medications such as clomiphene citrate or metformin.
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infections are common and can be difficult to treat. If left untreated, they can lead to kidney infections, which can be life-threatening. Mild to moderate UTI might only require antibiotics prescribed by your urologist. However, severe UTI affecting your kidney function might require surgery or other comprehensive medical procedures. UTI might cause pain or burning during urination, fever, chills, and nausea.
Urinary tract and reproductive issues can be overwhelming. Fortunately, urologists can handle these issues promptly. It is not necessary to visit them only when you have these problems. You can ask them for advice so you know what to do to avoid contracting them. Most likely, they will encourage you to drink a lot of water or empty your bladder immediately after sex. Also, you can encourage those you love to visit a urologist for their benefit.