Addiction is a condition in which an individual compulsively engages in a behavior despite adverse consequences. Addictive behaviors may be substance-related, such as alcoholism or drug dependence, or process-related, such as compulsive gambling.Addiction can manifest itself in many ways and take many forms. It is considered a disorder when the symptoms interfere with normal functioning.
What Is Intervention
Addiction mediation is a way to help you and your loved ones get through addiction without the need for harsh intervention. It helps you deal with the underlying issues that led to substance abuse, as well as any other problems in your life that might have contributed to it.
With addiction mediation, you’ll work with a trained mediator who will guide you through an open-ended conversation about your life, goals, and values. Together, you’ll draw up a set of agreements that will help keep both parties accountable. These agreements can be tailored to suit your needs and preferences regarding how much or how little support or guidance each party requires from the other.
Steps In Intervention
Addiction is a serious and often life-threatening condition. The process of addiction mediation can be lengthy, but it is well worth the effort if you want to save your loved one’s life.
- The first step in the process of addiction intervention is to identify the problem. If you have any reason to suspect that your loved one has an addiction, you need to take steps to confirm this suspicion by looking for signs of drug use or alcohol abuse. Some common signs include: erratic behavior, changes in sleeping patterns, sudden weight loss or gain, changes in appearance and hygiene habits.
- Plan for Intervention—This is where you come up with a plan for confronting your loved one about their addiction, including when and where it should happen, what you’ll say, and how you’ll respond if they refuse treatment or try to leave early. It’s important that everyone involved has time to think about these things before confronting your loved one so that they have an idea of what they’re getting into!
- It’s important to be prepared before starting an intervention. You need to have a plan for what you’re going to say, how you’re going to say it, and how long you’ll stay during the intervention itself. You should also have support from others who are close to the addict so they can attend the intervention with you.
Tips For Successful Intervention
- Be prepared—have a plan made ahead of time so that you don’t waste time on the spot trying to figure out what to do next.
- Make sure everyone involved knows what their roles are—if someone is going to be speaking on behalf of the person you’re intervening for, make sure they understand what they need to say and why.
- Keep things calm and rational; don’t let emotions get in the way.
- Create an environment that’s as safe and comfortable as possible for the person being intervened on.