Golden Teacher, also known as The Golden Age, is a powerful and highly regarded strain. The name Golden Teacher stems from its golden-colored cap and the yellow-gold room itself. These rooms have been an all time favorite amongst the psychedelic community for their mystical, introspective, and profound effects.
Though not all strains contain psilocybin mushrooms, this particular strain does. It was first discovered by Carl Jung back in 1924, and the name was given because of the uncanny yellow color it took on when freshly cracked open. The Golden Teacher has since gone through many evolutions, most notably through the years of David Bowie’s collaboration with the band Led Zeppelin.
Some believe that the discovery of the golden teacher was made possible through cosmic ordering, or aligning one’s self with the cosmos in order to achieve one’s true potential. The term “golden caps” comes from this tradition and goes further to define the golden teacher as a highly sought after mushroom species. Cubensis, which is the scientific name for these mushrooms, are said to have been utilized by the mushrooms for centuries. It has also been documented that this ancient technique was used in conjunction with chakra meditation, and with the intention of achieving balance in one’s life. Some people believe that the discovery of the golden caps allowed people to access a very powerful form of communication with each other; especially while engaged in spiritual voyages.
Some people also believe that the golden teacher spore syringe, which is the main source of the strain’s original use, is a highly sought after cultivator. The Syringe has been found to contain a highly concentrated level of psilocybin. Some cultivators claim that the original strain was sourced from a Columbian strain of psilocybin fungi. These claims have not been substantiated. It has also not been proven that any strain manufactured today contains psilocybin.
Psilocybin is an active ingredient in the composition of some of the most popular varieties of mushrooms in the world including shiitake, but monosperma, shiitake, and oshodiak. While there are many different species of mushrooms that contain psilocybin, it is only in these varieties that the psychoactive effects are seen. There are several types of mushrooms that have been bred specifically to create products which can be used by consumers to induce euphoria, including but not limited to the Shitsu and Shoho strains. In fact, some of the strains that are marketed as “Psilocybin-Free” are actually produced from a mix of other mushrooms. The goal of these breeders is to produce mushrooms that are free of any psilocybin and still produce the classic euphoric “Mushrooms” effect.
With all this said, it is important to realize that there is no evidence that mushrooms from Shifu mushroom farms result in any sort of concrete side-effect. On the contrary, the production of these strains can be highly profitable business for the farmers. The money gained from the sales of Shifu strains goes directly into the pockets of the farmers. And the money generated from selling mushrooms that are “Psilocybin-Free” is also a direct benefit for the consumer. In today’s economy, a profit margin on this type of product can easily reach millions of dollars. With the profitability of these strains comes a need to constantly update the number of different species of mushrooms that can be used to create this type of product.